You have reached your destination!
Your retirement. You deserve it!
Here comes an online portal with the most beautiful places to feel good in Ecuador. – Your interface for “Health, Life and Style”.
Premium Retirement in Ecuador.
♦ That’s life! Life the way you like it. ♦
Experience your future carefree retirement in Ecuador in selected properties in selected locations in selected properties.
We offer a wide range of options to suit different budgets:
Invest in modern, senior-friendly projects with excellent services and medical care or, for example, purchase an apartment with 5-star hotel connections.
Our consulting team consists of lawyers, business people, therapists and a medical advisory board. We speak Spanish, English, French, Italian and German.
“What kind of life do you choose?”
If you prefer community and personal service, e.g. in a private residential community with friends or like-minded people, contact us now for individual offers. We already have active wait lists. If you would like to make a reservation, please contact us. This reservation is free of charge for you and will be processed with the greatest discretion.
Premium retirement living:
Residence hopping in Ecuador!
To help you discover your ideal haven in Ecuador, we offer trial stays at various locations. We collaborate with select 4- and 5-star hotels at various locations to enhance your experience. Also, a teaser for potential future ‘Residency Hopping’.
Mild climate, breathtaking gardens, sunny beaches – a dream for many Northern Europeans to emigrate to South America in old age. As a pensioner, where can you find security, a high standard of living and at least as good medical treatment as you are used to? Ecuador is among the top 10 countries.
Stay excited and look forward to your retirement.
We’ll be there for you soon!
The website is currently being built. To receive up to date information on your retirement in Ecuador or on selected properties soon, please send us an e-mail at: request @
Quito – Zürich – Köln – Wien | Expected launch: Spring/Summer 2025
Discover our real estate offer for the young at heart who want to experience the vibrant life on the edge of the tourist magnet in Quito “La Mariscal”. A furnished hostal, ideal for a like-minded community of owners!
Buy a home together, hire staff, share the costs, and enjoy a relaxed and enjoyable retirement without having to worry about financial stress.
Our local experts will assist you with all the necessary formalities, safeguards and post-purchase management of your property. Want to pre-register? Register without obligation by email at Thats @
Find out more about the property here.
Our team in Ecuador and we in Switzerland look forward to accompanying you on your journey into a new chapter of your life.
Your own personal new chapter begins here.
We look forward to meeting you!